Too Damn Cold and Funky Musical Bike Tour

Too Damn Cold and Funky will be two, free community bike tours unlike any other Buffalo has ever seen, organized by Buffalo Bike Tours and Music Is Art.
On this special bike tour, we'll hear the unbelievable story of how a Mexican folk hero was discovered by musicians who had traveled thousands of miles to find him. We'll see the site of a gruesome murder by the manager of one of rock n' roll's most famous bands. And, we'll dive deep into the story of how one Buffalo musician went from running from the law to becoming one of the top-selling acts of all time.
From early minstrel shows to jazz and from rock n' roll to hip-hop, Too Damn Cold and Funky will share Buffalo's rich and wild history through song. Moreover, we won't just hear about these histories but we'll actually be visited by guest musicians who will perform songs along the tour route.
The bike tour will begin at Buffalo Bike Tours' Watchman's Tower (201 South Park at Michigan) and travel Buffalo's bike paths and streets to visit historical sites of importance. We'll also connect the tour to the present by visiting current musical landmarks such as the Colored Musician's Club, Town Ballroom, Babeville, and the Sportsmen's Tavern. In total, the route will be about 10 miles, and the tour will last approximately 2 hours.
Each of the two tours can accommodate up to 75 people per tour, and the ride will be repeated a second time to ensure a broader turnaround and participation. Ticketing (free) will be available with advance registration and audio projection will be provided from a mobile battery-powered amp. Bike and e-bike rentals will also be available.
Music Is Art will assist with tour content, finding musicians, and publicizing the festival via its website and social media, while Buffalo Bike Tours will be responsible for route planning, leading the tour, marketing, and tour coordination.