The HeArt Project

I’ve taught art in most schools districts in an after school program called “Young Rembrandts.” I currently am a guest teacher for Camp Capri at the Capri Theatre. I have a passion for children and I believe they all have a story and a voice that needs to be heard. I know how it feels to not be heard, hurt, full of grief and pain many artwork on exhibit at The Phonic Theatre in Uptown, I’ve also lost a loved one to Northside gun violence I’ve been wanting to put together a youth community project of healing fear, grief and pain through art, sharing our stories and possible documenting them or having a live event to share them. I plan to have a variety of artist volunteer time in order to provide some one on one assistance, I plan to have poems, pictures, painting, videos all dedicated to grief and healing. I believe now is a great time to invest in community and especially our youth. Art is and has been an awesome coping skill for me, its proven to relieve stress and create new brain/thinking pathways.