Borrow a Bike Lock for Students

St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic School is participating in an Active School Travel pilot program to encourage kids to walk and bike to school in order to reduce traffic congestion and improve safety for all kids and families in the school zone and community. Getting students to walk and wheel to school improves their physical and mental health and gives them the chance to spend time with their friends and get to know their community. Encouraging children to walk and cycle to their destination at an early age helps them develop good lifelong habits. Finding ways to promote students to walk and bike is our goal to promote an active lifestyle all while keeping our neighbourhood safe. With 18 busses, our bus loop and parking lot demands don't allow for a kiss and ride which causes high traffic congestion around the school.
Many students who ride their bikes forget or don’t have locks. We feel that providing bike locks at the school will encourage a greater number of students to choose to bike. Our Catholic School Council consisting of parents have been quite vocal at Town meetings especially after the town decided to side with neighbours that installed “No Parking” signs on the streets surrounding our school. Having these locks will provide students with an additional opportunity and option to take a healthy mode of transportation to school which would help promote their health and well-being.