Let’s Talk About Race

Let’s Talk About Race community conversation will bring together all community members, community organizations, political leaders to have an honest conversation regarding the role race plays in every aspect of our lives and the services we receive/and do not receive in order to better improve these infrastructures so that we can begin to improve the lives of BIPOC communities and low income families in the City of Providence.
Based on the book by the same title, all parties need to come together in order for this to occur. We can not improve the lives of BIPOC communities until we first communicate with them and recognize/reevaluate how we distribute services to these communities.
For far too long we have provided poor distribution of services/funding to programs that look good on paper but do not translate well in the community.
During this time in our community/country lets finally offer what the constitution says……..equality for all.
This project received the most votes by our Full-Time Trustees because it addresses the current climate in race discussion with a multi-generational lens. A proactive approach and effort to include youth and young adults with seasoned older adults in the conversation.