Women Imprint: Portrait Series Podcast

Women Imprint’s core mission lies in fostering a more adequate representation of women creatives in the public space documenting the imprint of those whose lives and actions continue to inspire today. One important component of this mission is a podcast. We record female creatives by interviewing women working today in our "Portrait Series."
Through these conversations, Women Imprint facilitates the archiving of personal biographies that come to life through the creative’s own voice. Ownership and interpretation of personal history is to Women Imprint a right and "Portrait Series" therefore an archival mission in our strategy for change. We began this series in 2020 and hope to continue to make voices heard. In each episode, we always begin by asking, ‘How did your journey begin?’ This question sets in motion the personal narrative of writers, business owners, artists, and more – and weaves their unique journey with contemporary arts and issues that resonate with each woman. The series captures the stories of women from all over the globe, but mainly the United States.
Our new project, “College goes Podcaster,” teaches college students how to create interviews for a podcast, work with audio files, editing software, etc. In an increased digitalized world, we think that this is an important skill to have.
The podcast is available on all major platforms such as Spotify, iTunes, Podbean.