Spruce Root Apprenticeship

From Trevan: Sealaska Heritage Institute is sponsoring a spruce root harvesting and weaving class. Spruce root weaving has been recognized as a dying northwest coast native art form. I want to be part of the next generation that revitalizes this art form. I have an amazing opportunity to further my knowledge in spruce root weaving from Master Weaver Delores Churchill. I have been chosen for the Sealaska Heritage Institute spruce root weaving apprenticeship.
From Kayla: I am Tlingit from Saxman, Alaska. I have been taking native art classes from 2 years now at our Totem Heritage Center. My culture has become my passion & this is one of my dreams to be able to work & learn along aside Master Weaver Delores Churchill. I am very passionate about these arts & want these to carry on to my own children & hopefully someday become a teacher myself.