
Tonality is a new professional ensemble in Los Angeles. Formed a little more than a year ago, this new choral group was created to presents shows based on diversity, peace, and social justice. The basis of the choir was an increasing sense of awareness of our inability to see each other as humans trying to exist in one space. Whether it is race, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, or any other characteristics we use to distinguish groups, we have found that these identities have divided us. Through the programming of Tonality, our mission is to use the music to increase sensitivity and a greater sense of community.
This year, Tonality has programmed different topics that we felt were very relevant in today's social and political environment. The first concert, titled "Put Your Guns Down", was a concert that dealt with the different themes related to gun violence. These included mass shooting, individual tragedies and living victims, and how we can all find an active way of peace to help combat the issues. Our holiday concert, "Stories of Home", used the original Nativity story to relate Mary and Joseph to issues of refugees, immigration, and homelessness. Our concert on gun violence will be repeated in January.
With each of these concerts, we have either singers in the group or different community members give personal stories related to these topics in order to make the subjects more personal and to put a face to the issues. These stories help to bring the issues closer to the community. Furthermore, we invite organizations to be present at our concert so our audience members can discover ways to get involved in the issues presented in real time.
Our last concert that we will present this season is called "Follow Her Lead", and it will be focusing on women's rights issues.