Get the Town Growing

Get the Town Growing (GTG) is an initiative that was born out of the Kitchen Table Green Economics project, spearheaded by Juliet Merrifield, which was a community engagement to find decisive action plans to help "green the economy" of Antigonish.
GTG is one of the 3 action plans that came from this initiative. The vision of this group is to go beyond community gardens and plant food that is fully accessible and visible to anyone walking around Antigonish. There are 3 main reasons why we believe this can benefit the community even more than the standard community garden model;
1- ABUNDANCE ~ The food is grown in plain sight of Main Street and so gives people a continuous sense of abundance as they explore the town.
2 - ACCESSIBILITY ~ The food is available to everyone. There will be instructional signs and workshops to encourage anyone and everyone to harvest and eat this food grown right there in front of them.
3 - PROMOTION OF LOCAL PRODUCERS ~ This project will aim to help people think about where their food comes from and encourage them to buy local and even grow their own food!
We have approached the People's Place Library about using their land for the initial stages of this project, and they agreed to give us access to virtually all of it. This fall we are planning on planting garlic and in the spring there are plans to plant a full community food forest!