Empower Creative Reuse

SCRAP Creative Reuse’s mission is to inspire creative reuse and environmentally sustainable behavior by providing educational programs and affordable materials to the community.

The Empower Creative Reuse Program seeks to continue to provide art supplies to historically marginalized individuals by granting opportunities for creative expression through artistic channels. The initiative plans to furnish creative reuse art kits supporting environmental education, focusing on fostering reuse, self-expression, and a positive outlook, especially for individuals of diverse ethnic backgrounds and low socioeconomic status.

We will be coordinating our Empower Creative Reuse craft kit giveaway with our awesome partners at Ypsilanti and Ann Arbor District Libraries who serve as amazing community hubs and have supported us as kit distribution centers and workshop locations in the past. With the library site program managers, we will determine the most beneficial pre-made art kits that are needed by the people they support. By actively engaging with these communities, we ensure the most direct access to tools for self-expression and healing through the arts.

Financé par Ann Arbor, MI (December 2023)