Code Fever

We are planning an event called Code Fever on June 22nd in Miami. We want to introduce and teach young african american and Caribbean kids in Miami how to code. Black americans are major consumers of technology (They index high on twitter and Instagram) but they are not creators of the technology. We feel strongly that if we can expose them and open their eyes to the technology possibilities they change the world through their fingertips.
This 1 day event will be held in Overtown to provide a fun and interactive day of teaching kids how to build their own webpage and/or app. While they are being taught by local programmers their parents will be in a workshop and panel to show them the importance of allowing their kids to use technology even if they don't understand it themselves. To make sure that their kids take the right classes, join the right organizations at school and show them what the career and entrepreneurial possibilities are. For far too long the meal ticket out of some of Miami's most impoverished communities has been rapping, football or basketball. We want to show them that technology can be that new meal ticket and can change not only their families lives but also their community and the world.