International Women's Day Mosaic Art Celebrations

I want to mark and celebrate International Women's Day 2022 by hosting some Introduction to Mosaic Art sessions to a group of aged 50+ women I had the pleasure to support during a previous job role prior to the lottery funding ending. These women were once keen line dancers, artists and musicians. The pandemic has effected everyone but more so those who were already experiencing and struggling with social isolation and loneliness. Although these women may have kept in contact via the telephone during the pandemic they haven't been all together since before the pandemic. My desire is reunite, re-connect these women after the pandemic by hosting mosaic art workshops at the Studio I have been given free access to use. My aim is to host these workshops with the intention of teaching these women new skills, empower them through art as well as giving them the confidence to create a mosaic masterpiece. The intention is to work on a group piece that can hopefully be installed somewhere in our local community that everyone can have the pleasure to admire the artwork.
This is more than just a project, this is about empowering women, its about re-connecting women and its all about improving women's mental health through art therapy whilst having fun in the process.
These workshops will be done prior to International Women's Day on March 8th. On the day itself these women will be invited to an outdoor gathering to showcase their artwork and celebrate International Women's day together.