1st Australian Awesome Foundation Summit

The Sydney chapter of the Awesome Foundation is hosting the seventh Awesome Summit this upcoming September. This will be the very first AweSummit held in Australia!
Awesome Summits are a time for Awesome Foundation members to come together, exchange ideas and experiences, and to get ready for another decade making great ideas happen.
Since the Awesome Foundation was founded in Boston in 2009, we've held six Summits: Boston (2012), New York City (2013), Ottawa (2014), Seattle (2016), Washington DC (2017), and Chicago (2019). Each has been a valuable chance to strengthen our movement and build connections across the globe.
The Sydney chapter is thrilled to host the seventh Summit in 2021. With Australian residents mostly prevented from travelling abroad due to the pandemic, hosting our own AweSummit will not only give us something to look forward to this year - it will hopefully spark the founding of more chapters across the Antipodes in the future.
We'll connect with one another nation-wide in Australia, and we'll also invite all our fellow chapters to attend portions of the Summit virtually so we can have a worldwide impact.
We appreciate your support to help forward the interest of awesome in the universe!