Ebby Community Garden

In the gardens surrounding Ebenezer Chapel in Walton Liverpool, it is our shared dream to create a safe peaceful place to grow flowers and vegetables together as a community group. The benefits of exercise and eating homegrown produce are well documented.
This new area will create an environment to promote friendships combating looniness and isolation lifting people's spirits and helping with depression and anxiety. Also, we would like to create a contemplative area to go to just to be at peace. Together we will learn horticultural skills and recycling methods, including second-use plastics. We hope to have a day in the summer when we can get together and cook and eat all we have produced together. We hope to attract a wide range of interests and backgrounds.
We will create vegetable planters and a wildflower area and bird boxes to encourage insects and wildlife and a seating area for youth gatherings. We also hope to work with local schools on this project. We have named the garden Hope.
We have asked a local landscape designer to design the space and he has agreed to do it free of charge as he loved the idea that much.
This will become the halfway stage on a circular trail from Walton Church with historical information points on flower planters . However, we first need to establish the community garden itself.