Shelter for female victims of trafficking

In recent months, we have seen an increase in the number of women with children in the Charlotte area who need shelter after being rescued from the horrors of human trafficking. These families come to us with nothing but the clothes on their backs. The majority of these women struggle with multiple emotional and psychological traumas.
Paula’s Story – Paula (not her real name) was sex trafficked by her own boyfriend and was forced to have sex with up to 30 strangers a day. She gave birth to five children while being enslaved and was not allowed to see them unless she met her quota for the day. If it weren't for the FBI rescuing her and her family, these innocent children would have been trafficked just like her. Fortunately, they were brought to our program in Charlotte, North Carolina, where they received the care they needed to heal, become restored, and feel inspired to live fruitful lives. After going through intense care in our program, our Paula was able to sustain employment, further her education and obtain independent housing for her and her children. Once surviving, to now thriving!
Our RISE (Restore, Inspire, Strengthen & Empower) Program promotes our mission by providing a holistic, integrative, trauma-focused array of programs and services over a period of 12 months to guests such as Paula. These services include secure housing, food, crisis counselling, case-management, connections to medical/dental/eye care, mental health services, healthy relationships, immigration relief, life skills training, education, employment readiness and after care. Our services are person centered and the major goal is to promote healing and recovery. Due to the complex need of our guests our program has four phases. Each guest moves through each phase at their own pace depending on their needs.
1. restoration and healing
2. pathways to self-sufficiency, education and employment
3. transitioning to a safe housing alternative
4. aftercare and follow up