BIPOC Terp Fund Chi

BIPOCterpfundchi is a project set up to compensate ASL Interpreters who identify as Black, Indigenous, and Persons of Color for their interpreting work at Chicago protests and rallies. A We aim to provide interpreters for all actions in Chicago so that Deaf folks have access to these actions. A Venmo has been set up, @BIPOCterpfundchi to crowdsource funds from Interpretes and Deaf ally communities. We have started raising money through Venmo and have been able to pay some of our BIPOC interpreters for their work, but as donations slow we are looking for some additional grants so we are able to continue to support our BIPOC Interpreters! You can find us on fb as BIPOCterpfundchi, Venmo @BIPOCterpfundchi, and email
Thank you for your work and for considering us!