Encompassible: Melbourne Youth Peer Mentoring

Finding a meaningful 9-5 is a common challenge for many youth. In fact, 1 in 3 Australian youth are unemployed or underemployed.
Do you remember how hard it was to apply for and land your first job? To prepare yourself for interview after interview to keep getting rejection emails not knowing what you've done wrong? Or did you even know what role to start looking for? This experience can be very lonely and disheartening to go through without adequate support.
We believe that peers who have lived experiences can offer invaluable emotional, social and practical support to others who are about to embark on a similar journey.
We see the need for peer support to address the taboos of talking about the challenges we face when trying to find work.
We are a Melbourne community that harnesses the power of lived experiences and peer support to facilitate career development support and guidance for youth 18-30 focused on 5 career stages: passion exploration, job interviewing, transition to work, first job, and career advancement.
Encompassible provides youth an online platform, interactive workshops and tailored programs that focus on a variety of career development topics to create a strong support network, prevent youth from making poor decisions, and make the future better by unlocking and achieving youth potential.
We aim to benefit youth who do not qualify for any disadvantaged or low socio-eco outreach and support but still deserve and need help. There is also a lack of support for youth past their first year of university where they still may be lost and discovering themselves and how to navigate not only education but also work. In 2020, the goal is to benefit 500 of these youth.