Teen Alert Program, or TAP808

The Teen Alert Program (TAP808) offers teen relationship violence outreach and intervention. TAP808’s mission is to promote and celebrate healthy relationships, and to tap out teen relationship violence through outreach, education, advocacy, and social change.
Geared towards students aged 12-21, TAP808 focuses on increasing knowledge about healthy relationships and providing education about relationship abuse. TAP808 staff conducts outreach and presentations in schools and youth-serving organizations, and offers advocacy, connection, and support to youth who disclose relationship violence. Since its inception in 2002, TAP808 has educated over 80,000 youth, educators, and service providers on teen relationship violence and healthy relationships at intermediate and high schools, and community programs throughout the state.
Making an impact on youth requires more than speeches and dry presentations. TAP808 was created with adolescents in mind – their interests, motivations, and ways of retaining information. To that end, the TAP808 team is relatable and engaging, and presentations are high-energy and dynamic. TAP808 has its own website and a strong presence on multiple social media platforms where opportunities for interacting and engaging with the target audience are plentiful.
TAP808 is striving to expand and bolster its current outreach and advocacy services. TAP808’s current outreach materials include a staff-created workbook which breaks down the definition of teen dating violence, its warning signs and effects, and how students can help themselves and their friends. TAP808 is seeking to purchase two evidence-based curriculums (Safe Dates and Expect Respect) focused on teen relationship violence. Safe Dates is a school-based adolescent dating violence prevention curriculum, while the Expect Respect curriculum will help TAP808 develop teen support groups.