Radiant and Brighter Sewing Project

Migrant women from Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) communities in Scotland - are highly vulnerable to living in social deprivation, social isolation and material poverty. Radiant and Brighter has been working in Glasgow among migrant BME communities for the last 7 years, and repeatedly come across women with great potential, who are nevertheless isolated, living in poverty and lacking the means to support themselves and their families. Radiant and Brighter would like to run a sewing class for women from BME communities. We currently have 10 sewing machines but unfortunately don’t have the funds to run a sewing class. We would love to run an 8 week sewing class allowing the women that access our services to develop their skills, build social connections and learn a new hobby. We have been asked many times to run a sewing class as the women we work with have expressed their desire to become seamstresses. The women will be making products that depict their culture. They will be making pieces that showcase their skills which they can use to promote their work making it easier for them to go freelance. This would be a great opportunity for them to develop their own skills and start working on becoming self-employed.