Be a PAL

ALA Serves/ Be a PAL program is a Service-Learning Team that will create youth leadership opportunities to encourage civic engagement to make a positive impact in our world. This initiative will have many layers in creating social-emotional learning activities to build an introspective dialogue within our school community addressing bullying, character education, tutoring, and mentoring. Students will learn about themselves and be empowered to lead community projects throughout the year. We will be working with a growth mindset using positive psychology to strengthen each person’s resilience and build on their strengths while addressing their weaknesses. ALA Service Team will build community. We seek to be actively involved in civic engagement and to be leaders in our city to make changes that will resonate in our school, in our district, and in our city. The students will also learn how to use social media in positive ways to communicate and create campaigns to increase awareness on a larger scale. We will accomplish this by having workshops with activities to promote awareness, inspiration, and teambuilding. We must first seek to understand our purpose to then understand the issues surrounding us. The workshops will be based on the PAL® Peer Assistance and Leadership program ( This program is dedicated to using the “potential of youth to make a difference in their lives, schools, and communities.” It is a program that understands that youth need to be encouraged and supported while being empowered to be tutors and mentors to serve others. Along with the PAL® Peer Assistance and Leadership program, the students will serve the city of San Antonio with a least one monthly service project.