
54% of elderly sometimes feel lonely. This is too many! To tackle this massive issue in our society, we set up our social venture; RotterJam. What does this have to do with food? FOOD IS GLUE!
We bring together lonely elderly and student volunteers, who want to contribute to a healthier and happier Rotterdam. Jam is the answer: By hosting jam-making workshops, we prevent and reduce loneliness among the elderly of Rotterdam. Our jam is made from seasonal ingredients with less sugar, more fruits, and of course, looooots of love! Bakkie Peer, our first flavor profile, represents our vision of making "exotic jam" (Algemeen Dagblad, 2019 - oh yes we're in the news) by using leftover pears, figs and chili; diverse - just like Rotterdam!
We aim to make the venture circular and work with suppliers to use their foodwaste as our fuel. We already saved 10kg of pears from being forgotten - just like the elderly. 10 elderly weigh more than 10kg so it's even more biomass we gave a new purpose!
So far, we had two jam pilots and sold the products - the remarkable revenue of 78.52 Euros was of course reinvested in the workshops to buy proper jars and scale up the venture.
To step up the game, we now crave for tools, credibility and exposure, while exchanging ideas with other crazy, curious and creative minds is a fantastic opportunity we do not want to miss!