Where is Washington Heights?

Where is Washington Heights? photo-documentary series is part of a larger exhibition that documents the community area and people of the little known far southwest side, predominately African- American community area in Chicago called Washington Heights (WH).The project asks questions about WH as it relates to geography, people, health and the overall economic development of this community area from past, present, and future.
I will utilize my artist studio (H.L. Anderson Arts & Culture Studio) to invite at least 20 residents in my studio monthly for me to photograph them and use my studio for them to paint or write their stories that relate to their connection to WH. Additionally, I will partner with StoryCorps to invite community members who live, work, or play in WH to share their audio stories:https://storycorps.org/
After eight months, I will curate an exhibition at H.L. Anderson Arts & Culture Studio and other venues, and invite people from other communities in conversation about WH.