Booth Fairy Project (Sh#%ty Advice $1.00 booth)

Hi. My project is SO FREAKING AWESOME!
I started popping up a few years back with a 'free advice' booth around Asheville. No charge and a full menu (free hugs, free advice, glitter, high fives, free compliments, etc) It is a beautiful and very healing and fun way to heal and inspire.I am called the Booth Fairy. I have made positive changes in my life like quitting ciggarettes and eating healthy and I help people get motivated to take better care of their bodies. I especially love talking to young people about making empowering choices. People around town LOVE it!
Running the booth inspired me to organize events called 'Bliss Mobs' where we meet in downtown asheville and do super high vibe, much needed events like the Free Hug Flash Mob. This is where we come together and give out free hugs, free high fives...get more deeply connected to the one another. It is such an easy way to break down the walls we've created and making people feel ALIVE again!
My goal is to build a free advice booth, and a slow clap (mini stage to receive applause on) to be permanently placed somewhere in asheville and surrounding cities. And to have bliss mobs occurring regularly in each city in the US, starting with Asheville. There is no reason why we shouldn't be doing this.