Game Night Event Series

Game Night is a series of free public events presenting artist-made games for play under a selected theme. Through playful exchanges created by artists, this series invites participants to interact with works of art and each other, experimenting with creative play as a form of public engagement.
Game Night #5 will be held on October 18th, 2016 at the Denny Gallery, 261 Broome St, NYC. Learn more about this event on their website.
This series is organized by Anna Harsanyi, curator and educator and Sheetal Prajapati, artist and educator. As educators, Anna and Sheetal’s work is concerned with how to facilitate, curate, and organize experiences that engage with creative ideas and objects. Game Night brings these collaborators’ expertise and interests together to offer publics in New York new and unexpected ways to connect with art, the world and most importantly, each other.
Game Night has hosted an array of experiences for play including:
- life advice from imaginary oracle cards
- an updated version of Operation where players remove electronic devices from the body instead of body parts
- a gambling game where participants arbitrarily assign value to junk food
- sharing memories through a mediated Ouijia-style game
These interactions have been successful in provoking conversation, often times between strangers, prompting meaningful ways to reflect on daily life.
For the 2016 -2017 season, Anna and Sheetal will organize 3 Game Night events at Denny Gallery.