Dive without Barriers

I intend to introduce scuba diving in the pool as a form of therapy and leisure experience for people with physical disabilities like spinal cord injuries and amputations. Diving provides total weightlessness and freedom of movement underwater, things that are difficult to achieve on land for people with disabilities. Also because one can adjust a person's buoyancy underwater through scuba gear, I believe there can be a great sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. I intend to provide opportunities for clients to try out diving in a 5m pool and gain skills in a 4 session programme (2 hrs each time). Throughout the 4 sessions, our instructors will help clients fine tune their buoyancy and use adaptive ways to move underwater. Upon completion of the sessions, they will receive a completion certificate and can now enjoy being able to dive in a pool with supervision. They now then have the choice of whether to pursue trying out a Discovery dive in the ocean or to go for the full open water dive certification course. Regular sessions for leisure will be held whether clients who have completed the programme can take part in underwater sports and obstacle courses while in scubagear.
I am looking to link up with a local Rehab hospital to introduce some of their patients trial diving in a pool and I will get volunteers for the project as well. I am still looking into the financial costs of the project and it will currently be pro bono since Im just doing it for my passion for diving. If it is successful, I intend to also introduce the programme to other populations; people with autism, elderly.