Periwinkle by Vaughan Zappa

About a year ago my mother was diagnosed with oesophageal cancer, although it was uncommon for someone of her age. She is fine now and has had an operation to remove the cancer from the oesophagus. I have noticed there has been very little acknowledgement for this particular type of cancer and a boost of awareness would really help the suffers and hopefully encourage potential suffers to go get themselves checked. My mum got herself checked and was able to get treatment in early stages but not everyone is so lucky. I intend to raise awareness with a line of t shirts which will take a more high end and high fashion approach to charity supportive clothing. The problem with charity t shirts is nobody wants to wear them. They are usual branded with a cancer ribbon and are made of cheap quality fruit of the loom t shirts and cost about 5-20 pounds . By taking a more high end approach I think i would be able to make a desirable item that will hopefully change peoples attitudes towards buying charity clothing and raise money for a good and very dear cause at the same time.
I have enlisted the help of 20 students in my year as well as the schools Vice Principal. I pitched the idea of running a project to raise awareness of oesophageal cancer. We are a diverse bunch with film makers, animators, games designers and graphic designers. We aim to launch our campaign on 31st March and the money would prove incredibly useful. We would like to sell wrist bands and t-shirts that the team has designed as well as launch the more high end t-shirts to make the project sustainable in the long term.