Junk to Funk Sewing Classes for ages 8-12

My idea is to offer a trade training that everyone would benefit and at the same time teach on how to recycle old garments, advertising banners and create usable wearable art.
Our schools are no longer funding any kind of home economics classes and the aftercare for these ages are not created with a thought to encourage a new skill that will more than likely be needed as adults. Its really just the most useful and easiest way to create and have an actual real life result of your work and the joy that it gives the children is just wonderful.
In my neighborhood I have tried several times to get together with city program managers for the parks and even submitted proposals and had two officials not even show up for the meeting, however I dusted myself off and kept looking and here you are.
During the summer months I assist my best friend at the Miami Shores Community Center with her Sewing Camp and we came out in the Miami Herald this past summer and I know my area needs something like this.