The High-5-Mile club

I run. Not a lot, and not too long, but a couple of times per week. It helps me clear my mind, gives me energy and make me more positive. When I run, I always run alone. I’m not one of those chatty people who can talk while running. I like being in my zone while listening to some good tunes.
But, I still like running in the park with other runners around me. They give me an extra boost. It can be brief eye contact, a quick smile or just the fact of someone running 50m ahead and I make it my mission to overtake them…
Not too long ago I got high-fived by some kids playing in Vondelpark. It made me smile and think: Why don’t more runners start high-fiving each other? Just to give each other that little extra boost and make the run more fun.
That’s why I want to create The High-5-Mile club. A fun and friendly runners movement that anyone can join by high-fiving other runners. To kick it off I would hand out easy-to-spot colorful wristbands to runners in Vondelpark. These, together with brief instructions and link to the website, would be the spark for the movement
The website / Facebook page would contain a brief introduction to the movement and would be used to to push like-minded runners to get out at certain times / days e.g. “The weather is looking great today. Go for a run in Vondelpark tonight and give someone an extra boost with a high-five. Don’t forget your sweatband.”
The High-5-Mile club
“The boost you need through a High-5 from a new friend.”