Making Mayhem!

My students are 7th and 8th graders who have Intellectual Disabilities and/or Autism. They are fabulous kids! We work on academics, but just as important for my kids is learning communication and social skills. It is really important for my kids to gain experience in navigating a variety of social situations and learn to advocate for themselves.
This project addresses my students' academic, social, and communication needs. The King Center is our local theatre. In November they have a group coming, the Mayhem Poets. This traveling troupe performs spoken word, improv, stand up comedy, and dramatic readings for schools around the country.
We have an opportunity for our students to work with the Mayhem Poets after the show in an exclusive Master Class! This would be fabulous for my students! They will learn how to perform onstage, enhance their creative and critical thinking skills with improv activities, and how to turn their poetry into a spoken word performance. They will gain the confidence to make their wants, needs, and feelings known, and they will learn social skills such as timing, expression, and fluency.
Prior to the performance we will read poetry, learn about poets, and write our own original poems. Students will learn about figurative language, analyzing poems, and how to read poems.
My students like to perform, but they don't always know how to. Last year they were in the school play, performed in the Very Special Arts Showcase, and were contestants in the school talent show. They have expressed the desire to tell jokes, but they don't really know how to. This Master Class will give students the skills to be able not only to perform, but also to be able to fit in better with their peers and be able to blend in more.
After the class we will expand on what students have learned by performing for seniors in assisted living and in the school talent show.
I try to get my kids into the community as much as possible!