Colorful Characters of Gloucester's Early Days

Colorful Characters of Gloucester’s Early Days is the name of a book targeted for young people who wish to learn about Gloucester’s history through a collection of its most colorful characters dating from 1600 – 1900. Based upon an original collection of dramatic monologues researched and developed for performance back in 2009, Dr. DiPrima will adapt these historical monologues into autobiographical sketches for juvenile readers. This book will feature over twenty historical characters ranging from Sachem Masconomet to the early explorers and settlers of Gloucester, to the religious leaders, the inhabitants of Dogtown, the schooner fishermen, merchants, writers, artists, scholars and eccentrics of this vibrant community. It is a work intended for illustration and publication. Completed copies will be placed in each of the public school libraries, the archives of the Sawyer Free Library and the Cape Ann Museum. I will approach each of the teachers (grade 4, 5, 6 & 8) who cover the history of Gloucester as part of their social studies curriculum in order to effectively disseminate the book among all students.