Do It In a Dress

Hello! I'm Chantelle Baxter and I'm the 26 years old and I'm the co-founder of One Girl - a non profit organisation the works with women and girls in Sierra Leone! In the last 5 months our organisation has provided 100 education scholarships to girls living in extreme poverty - and we want to give 50 more scholarships to girls in 2012!
From Oct 2 - Oct 9 - we're going to be running "Do It In A Dress" week. Our goal is to get 100 influential bloggers to sign up and help us put 150 girls through school next year. We want to raise $25,000 in just 7 days.
We're asking rockstar bloggers to set a personal challenge for themselves.. like, run 5km, go to a yoga class, go bungy jumping.. BUT, the catch is that they have to it in a girls school uniform, and we want photos / video to prove it.
But they aren't going to just wander around in a school dress for no good reason. They'll create their fundraising page with CauseVox, set their fundraising limit at minimum $250 (the cost of 1 girls education for a year) - and their family, friends and readers will pay to see them do their challenge in a school dress.
We're choosing school dresses because once they complete their challenge, they would have put a girl in Africa back into school for an entire year. We want them to wear a school dress so she can wear one too.
We already have three rockstar bloggers on board from the US and New Zealand.. so only 97 to go! There will be a fantastic campaign website coming soon - and bloggers will be able to register there.
We'll have prizes for the most innovative school dresser..
This project is awesome because IT'S NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE. I recently attend the World Domination Summit in Portland, Oregon, and I met SO many bloggers who want to make a difference in the world - they are going to JUMP on this idea. Everyone I've asked so far has already said yes.
Funnily enough, all the bloggers that have said yes are male - it will be HILARIOUS to see men running around in school dresses to raise money for girls in Africa. We think this campaign is going to get a lot of media attention, and best of all we'll be raising a tonne of money to put girls in Sierra Leone, West Africa, back into school.