HOPE Freedom School

HOPE Freedom School will be a summer enrichment program serving 50, K-12, underprivileged, students from the Gadsden and south side Leon County areas. There is absolutely no cost for the students and transportation is provided. It will occur over 6 weeks of the summer from 8:30-3:30 PM each day.
Each morning the students will be taught from an integrated reading curriculum that is aligned to common core standards, and uses culturally relevant materials. In the afternoon the students will participate in enrichment activities including instruction in; art, music, PE, dance, health and nutrition, etc. Students also are provided with two healthy meals per day, and weekly parent nights are held to empower community members. Fridays will be reserved for "Field Trip Fridays" where the students will get to visit local Tallahassee museums, parks, attraction, historical sites, etc.
The National Freedom School program was founded by the Children's Defense Fund and it's history dates back to the Civil Rights Movement. The HOPE Freedom School staff members were hired locally from Tallahassee, and will be trained by the Children's Defense Fund to assure quality instruction and preparation. Culturally relevant materials will also be purchased through them, as many of these books are not available in mainstream stores and companies.