"The Aquarium" - Alternative Exhibition Space

One way that Ann Arbor can become more awesome is to provide an alternative exhibition space for regional artists working in new media. Ann Arbor has several outlets for traditional art and craft such as ceramic, jewelry, and painting. However, I feel that there is a void that needs to be filled. An exhibition space that caters to alternative media such as installation, moving image and kinetic sculpture would be a welcome addition to the local art scene.
Using my connections to both the Gallery Project and the Ann Arbor Art Center, I would like to turn a large vacant window that faces Ashley Street into a micro gallery that showcases the work of regional artists. The space feels like a giant shadowbox and is approx. 8’ x 8’ x 2.5’ Although the gallery would be physically connected to the Art Center I would like to structure the space as its own entity; a space for more alternative and imaginative work. It would be run in a manner that is similar to Gallery Project- A rotating team of collaborators would work to envision and create installation art that would be showcased in the gallery. Current collaborators include Vince Mountain, professor of set design at UofM, Chris Sandon, founder of Spontaneous Art, and Andreas Hug, director of the Moholy-Nagy Foundation.
I am really excited about the space as it is located in an area with lots of foot and car traffic. It would be a great way for artists to present their work to a large audience and the space would act as a means for the community to interact with regional, national, and emerging artists. To make this gallery successful, the space would need some initial maintenance including some wall repair and painting. We would also need to construct a platform and display box around the inside of the window. A set of track lights that would illuminate the space would also need to be installed. With any remaining funds, I would like to purchase a used projector for work that includes film and moving image.