Scent with Love and Open Streets

Scent with Love exists to spread surprise joy through flowers. Using excess and/or post-event floral centerpieces, Scent with Love volunteers extend the life of these joyous materials by delivering them to regional nonprofits, service-based organizations and other communities that may be overlooked or marginalized. We will spread cheer at Open Streets by distributing bouquets and hosting a bouquet bar. Open Streets empowers individuals to get outside and takeover the streets. Scent with Love also empowers individuals to think outside the box of how materials can be used.
The project directly benefits citizens in the Pittsburgh region by making a personal connection through the gift of flowers. Though we may be strangers, we are connected by recognizing our inherent humanity, dignity and need for respect. This type of treatment should not be reserved to our close friends and family, but rather extended to all of our neighbors, especially those that may feel overlooked. We hope that by showing kindness, we inspire others to pay it forward. Scent with Love is directly handing an expression of joy to folks who need it.