Mini Free Library

To build a mini free library in front of the East Maryborough Community House.
I had the blokes from the Men's Shed lined up to build the library, but they all have health problems at the moment and cannot build the library. I have the design for the library, which was done by the kids who use the East Maryborough Neighbourhood house, and the specs, from some local artists.
Maryborough is the lowest socio economic council area in Victoria. Literacy is a basic right, and is so important. The mini free library will brighten the area up, give the residents a sense of pride and ownership (there is only one other mini free library in Victoria that I know of) and be a source of good quality, free books and magazines.
The library will be "staffed" by volunteers
Donations of books will come from locals, and will be topped up on whatever donations I can get my hands on.