Mississippi meets Mississippi (River Boat Journey

We are proud to announce our 22nd $1,000 grantee, Mississippi Meets Mississippi. We chose this project because Mississippi Creative Arts Elementary School is building community with this project. Fourth and fifth grade students will have a hands-on learning experience on the Mississippi River to better understand the river’s connection to science, history, art and culture.
According to Kathleen Kreitzer, teacher and grant applicant,
"Our school, Mississippi Creative Arts is working to build identity and community. The theme for our year is "Mississippi Meets Mississippi." We are attempting to create hands on experience that connect students to the Mississippi River and provide them with a better understanding of the river and its connection to science, history, art, culture, etc. Last year during PLC (professional learning community) every grade level brainstormed focused lessons on our theme. Teachers would like to offer field trip opportunities for our students that connect to this learning. The Big River Journey would be a perfect field trip. Students would actually get to be on the Mississippi River for a memorable hands on learning experience. From the experience, our students will create an art piece to be shared at an All School Assembly. "