La Noche Vegan (Vegan Night)

My name is Felipe Cabrera. I´ve been vegan for 8 years already. I live in Lima, Peru.
With the organization VIDA (Veganos Informando Derechos Animales - Vegans Informing about Animal Rights), we organize a monthly event called "LA NOCHE VEGAN" (Vegan Night), which takes place on every month´s last Sunday.
It is an event organized by vegans for non-vegan people. It is a public event, and we receive from 30 to 60 people every month. It is a free event, but we invite people to give a donation at the end, in order to sustain the event.
However, donations are not enough in order to cover our costs. Last Sunday we spent 190 soles (approximately USD 49,8) and we received 90 soles (approximately USD 23,5).
Unfortunately, Peruvian society is very informal, and although we ask people to confirm whether they expect to assist or not, they may confirm and end up not showing up, or viceversa. Because of this, we never know how many people to expect. In may, for instance, we expected to receive over 50 people as it happened in april, but only 30 people showed up. Therefore, we spent a lot (we usually spent less than that) and didn´t get many donations to cover our costs. Because of this, we want to consider this grant as a solution for our event.
I believe our event is awesome as we get a lot of non-vegan people who are able to try delicious vegan food. Also, we share animal rights flyers to all non-vegans. We also invite some healthcare professionals, nutriotionists, therapists who talk about health and nutritions topics, artists who share their art, musicians who play live music.
We only need help to cover food costs. We don´t need any help with renting a place, as we hold the event in a vegan restaurant (ConSuLado Vegano - Vegan Consulate) which doesn´t charge us any renting fee, and we don´t spend money on advertising as we share the invitation in different social media.