A Relationship Guidebook for Sex Workers

Partners in Crime is a relationship handbook for sex workers and their partners. Written by a sex worker with community input, peer review, and review from a mental health care professional, this guidebook is meant to provide a critical resource to sex workers who are in or looking to build loving relationships in their lives. This guidebook is being created through peer interviews, consults, and many hours of personal experience and reflection in order to provide sex workers and their partners with the tangible skills they need in order to find a healthy balance in their romantic relationships. It will be made available to everyone completely free of charge, with the hopes that it will be liberally shared with anyone who needs it. A true labor of love, I am incredibly honored to create this offering for my community and for anyone else who feels they might benefit from its content.
If you'd like to support sex workers and sex working communities in NYC or just learn more about sex work, please check out G.L.I.T.S., For the Gworls, Brooklyn Ghost Project or SWOP Brooklyn! Sex workers are tirelessly fighting for the full decriminalization of sex work in New York state and across the United States. If you'd like to read more about sex worker politics, check out the Sex Worker Syllabus. If you have questions about this project, you can reach out to molly.b.simmons@gmail.com.
This AwesomeNYC grant will go towards costs associated with editing this work, including paying a mental health professional to review the guidebook and ensure it is sensitive in language and the guidance offered, with a goal of helping "mental health care professionals, social workers, and any non-sex worker in the service field understand our unique perspectives and how we move through the world and relationships."