Classy Stitches

Parker Avenue the ONLY yarn shop in Detroit that also happens to be the only Black Woman Owned yarn shop in the Metro Detroit area. Parker Avenue is a local yarn shop dedicated to positively impacting socio-economic and racial diversity through the fiber arts. The art of knitting and crochet has documented objective benefits at almost every age which explains why knitting is taught as early as elementary school. The discipline, math skills, color play, creative design, hand eye coordination, sense of accomplishment and camaraderie that comes from knitting and crochet are the why of this project. This grant will allow us to provide knitting/crochet materials for 50 students to learn to knit or crochet. Going a short distance to the neighborhood elementary school will introduce and/or educate interested children of the neighborhood on this art form. In the store seniors can be hosted for lessons that might teach something new or simply refresh the art they have strayed from over the years. We see the lifting of spirits currently when fiber artists gather with us but we also know that when income is stretched yarn and accessories becomes a luxury. Big box stores can provide economical yarn but Parker Avenue provides a community. A colorful welcoming space nothing like your grandmother's yarn store. We have funky art, a DJ booth, football Sundays,and an incredibly diverse clientele. When everyone of various walks of life share in the joy of this craft we are able to model to young and old how much more alike than different human beings can be. We are stitching together a better community. This grant will remove the financial barrier to access, allow lessons in schools and extend invitations for free lessons.