Paws and Pals Pet Stop

The KHS Applied skills students and staff are excited to announce the opening of Paws and Pals Pet Shop. The staff and students will be making delicious homemade dog treats along with toys. Traditionally the students have participated in a work experience program at Ancilla College. Due to the Covid pandemic this program has been put on hold, that is why the staff of the Applied Skills Class has decided to create Paws and Pals Pet Shop. By working at Paws and Pals Pet Shop students will learn important vocational skills, independent living skills, responsibility, teamwork, time management, taking direction, socialization, and communication. Not only will the students gain valuable vocational skills they will also learn about nutrition, food safety, literacy, and even math. As they create the dog toys they will improve their fine-motor skills, which is important for students with autism and other special needs.