Ragercize: An Aerobic Catharsis

As flowers struggle to bloom and the sun fights through the rain, an angry cloud looms over America. Anger isn't comfortable - we try to avoid it, pretend it isn't there, cover it up, release it online. But Anger still grows, driven by fear and leading to hate, a powerful emotion we experience physically and often involuntarily. What if we intentionally felt it, embodied it, and responded to the message underneath?
RAGERCIZE is a new immersive play with music conceived by Ellen Mullen and developed in The Rally Cat Creative Lab. Ragercize places the audience in a zanily interactive group play, allowing them to activate and release fear, anger, and hate. The experience will offer a wide range of audience participation opportunities. These vary from choosing their Rage Level to the depth of immersion within the physical and emotional demands of the experience. Guided by three "Rage Monks" and infused with elements of theatrical absurdism and Bouffon, the unhinged-yet-scripted experience will invoke, question, celebrate, name, and transform personal rage into collective power.
Ragercize will premiere this Fall, with a series of single-session summer classes to support their artists while raising money.
To receive more information, including enrollment dates, registration, and the premier, please join their mailing list and follow them on social media: