Growing Westminster’s Off-road Cycling Community a

MTBMD are volunteers and trail liaisons with Mid-Atlantic Off Road Enthusiasts (MORE) the premier trailbuilding and advocacy organization in the Maryland, D.C, and Virginia region. We are dedicated to caring for and improving the multi-use trail system at Hashawha Environmental Center and Union Mills while also growing the off-road cycling community that uses these trails. Through trail-work days and user education we advocate for all trail users, working with the county parks department and the land manager at Hashawha to make the trails safer, and funnier to use whether users are on foot, horseback or bicycles. By leading group rides throughout the year we aim to build a community of off-road cyclists and educate riders and other trails users about trail etiquette and shared trail use. This Spring we are also hoping to expand our programming to include basic bicycle maintenance workshops and schedule a one-day basic mountain bike skills workshop for people new to mountain biking, educating riders on basic technique and skill building to improve rider safety and confidence.