
“Blogologues is like Forbidden Broadway for the Internet, like memes come to life, like... pure awesome.” -- Flavorpill
Did you see that, Awesome Foundation? We’re awesome, and other people think so, too.
Our company, Lively Productions, is a nonprofit theater company in NYC that explores how new media influences traditional storytelling. In our current project, Blogologues, we take Facebook posts, tweets, Craigslist ads, blog posts, open forums and more and an ensemble of five performs them word-for-word live onstage. That’s right: we bring the internet to life. What?! Yes. We take the real words of actual internet bloggers or post...ers, and create out-of-the-box characters and scenarios for this sketch-comedy-type show.
At its core, theater is designed to mirror society. Today, however, an overwhelming portion of daily life takes place online: According to a recent survey conducted by the Pew Research Center, 85% of adults are now connected to the internet, and that percentage is rapidly growing. What then? How can we keep theater alive and well? How can we get the kids offline, and encourage them to engage in real time? At the same time, we’re fascinated by how new media has enabled everyone to have a voice. One day, all of these musings coalesced to create Blogologues.
We’re proud to say that much of our audience confides in us post-show that they don’t regularly attend theater, but they love Blogologues. We’ve had audience members come up to us after performances and tell us that watching Blogologues is like “looking at a mirror.” The Huffington Post wrote that “Blogologues proves that the internet and live theater can live in harmony.” We hope that we’re paving the way for a new kind of relatable, live performance that keeps pace with the ways communication is quickly changing... but we need to reach more people, which brings us to your last question.