All-Options Talkline

Experiences with pregnancy loss, abortion, parenting, and infertility are very common; half of all women in the US will have an unplanned pregnancy, 1 in 4 will have an abortion, and 1 in 4 will have a miscarriage. Yet finding a safe, supportive place to talk about these experiences can be extremely difficult, as our callers tell us every day. Stigma, judgment, and politics can lead people to doubt their own strength and wisdom, and leave them isolated and struggling.
At All-Options, we believe every person should be able to find support for their experiences with pregnancy, parenting, abortion, and adoption – without judgment or bias. Our Talkline (1-888-493-0092) provides free, confidential peer counseling and referrals to callers from anywhere in the United States. Open every day of the year, All-Options offers a safe and compassionate space for people to talk about their feelings, explore their options, and find resources to access the services they need.
On any given day, our All-Options Talkline might hear from someone struggling to decide what to do about an unexpected pregnancy; a caller whose recent miscarriage is bringing up feelings about an abortion they had years ago but never told anyone about; a mother who terminated a pregnancy after a devastating fetal diagnosis but is not welcomed by the pregnancy loss community; or someone for whom being adopted themselves adds layers of complexity to making a decision about becoming a parent.
At All-Options, we recognize that experiences with pregnancy, parenting, abortion, and adoption are interconnected and all worthy of support. Our Talkline provides a critical lifeline to our callers, no matter where they are located or what they want to talk about. We can provide unconditional support, open-hearted listening, and unbiased referrals to all kinds of care.