Kops n Kids

We have partnered with the Doug Flutie Foundation to purchase a “community resource dog” that will be assigned to our school resource officer. The Doug Flutie Foundation purchased the fully trained English Golden Retriever. The cost of our dog whose name is “ACE” was expensive but the rewards are paying off. Our Community Resource Dog will help children of all ages whom are diagnosed with ADD, ADHD and Autism. When Ace goes to visit who has experienced trauma, Ace leaves the child with an Ace stuffed animal as well as an Ace interactive book as a continued sense of comfort. We will also utilize ACE to visit senior living as well as nursing homes to visit those with Alzheimer’s. Local vet hospitals have donated yearly visits and vaccinations free of charge. We also received donated dog food for life as well as many other items. Our goal is to fully fund our community resource dog program with donations. Currently local businesses in Gloucester have “adopted” Ace for a month to support our Community Impact Unit, during this time we design Ace a patch of the business logo that he wears on his vest. If you would like to support our program, please contact the Community Impact Unit at 978-325-5471.