Rule of Three: Black Dance Intensive- West African

It is said that concepts or ideas presented in threes are inherently more interesting, more enjoyable, and more satisfying-- omne trium perfectum, everything that comes in three is perfect. The Carr Center and TéMaté Institute for Black Dance and Culture present Rule of Three, A two-day event featuring three master teachers in African dance for youth and adults that encourages both the novice and the experienced dancer to leave their inhibitions at the door and ignite the dancer within.

The first day of the intensive will offer instruction exclusively to youth ages 8-17, in Kutiro, Sabar, and Djembe dance forms. Students will engage with three master teachers in African dance and drum from Senegal and Cote d’Ivoire who are based in the United States. Day two of the intensive will be geared towards adults but is open to all ages. No amount of experience is too little and a curious and open mind is a must. We want people to explore the rich traditions of West Africa, share, and celebrate with the Carr Center and TéMaTé! Satisfaction Guaranteed.

This program will happen three times a year with the inaugural dates of February 8-9, 2020. I believe that the Rule of Three presents an unprecedented opportunity to get world-class instruction on understudied dance forms at home. Our next intensive will be in September of 2020.

Fondos becados por Ann Arbor, MI (January 2020)