The 3D Printed String Quartet

The San José Chamber Orchestra (SJCO) is planning a project for our senior Youth Chamber Orchestra to present in concert a piece featuring a string quartet of 3D printed instruments. The project would use free patterns downloaded from online sources including Hovalin 3D printed violins and, the donated use of a 3D printer and 3D printing expertise and mentorship, purchased materials and expertise from a few of our students. 3D printed violins were initially designed, not only as an experiment, but as a potential way to provide low cost violins to students who would be prevented from joining an orchestra by the cost of the instruments. We would use this project as a way for our students to explore aspects of their music education through the actual creation of instruments, connecting music to math and physics and creating a link between a solid historic tradition and technology which is moving so far forward. Once the instruments are printed and working we would begin rehearsing for our students performance on our May “Futures Portfolio” which is part of the SJCO Subscription season. The instruments would then be kept for future use by our students and/or would be donated to programs that are in need of instruments.