Disability Justice Institute

The Disability Justice Institute is a day-long series of workshops, panels, and conversations about disabled LGBTQ+ folks for us. The institute will be held on the second day Creating Change Conference in Dallas, TX in January 2020. There is no line between disabled activists and queer activists; we exist in both worlds. Ableism and inaccessibility keep disabled queer people out of organizing and out of queer spaces in general. Disabled queer people have led movements only to be left to the side when we’re inconvenient. Abled and straight cisgender allies should attend to gain a better understanding of ableism in our community and how to make queer spaces accessible and welcoming, but ultimately it is a space for disabled LGBTQ+ people. Disabled folks should attend to both commiserate and learn about experiences different from their own. Above all else, it is for disabled queer folks to tell their stories and engage with one another.
What our grantee is saying: "This grant means everything to me. It’ll allow me to move forward with the Disability Justice Institute as I’ve envisioned it—a space for queer and disabled activists to share their stories and strengthen their advocacy work. This is a chance to collaborate and learn in a way that’s very rarely afforded to us as disabled queer people."