Bridge Spot Graffiti and Paint Jam

A free and open to the public paint jam at Capitol Hills beloved and legendary "Bridge Spot" skate park and open paint wall area. This will be a fun day for all! The Fridge will be inviting a reunion of our amazing 2011 Paint Jam "Monster Mash" including many now world-renowned DC-area artists. In 2011, we worked diligently to get this area under the highway, where skaters had built itinerant skate ramps and graffiti writes had tagged up for many years declared an "open paint wall"–meaning through a year of volunteer efforts permission was given by the various entities, including Friends of Garfield Park, MPD, DPW, CSX.
For several artists, this was their first time painting a mural anywhere, including the DC mayors award winner Lisa-Marie Thalhammer, and now world-renowned artist Ben Tolman. Other artists were Alex Merritt, Laura Elkins, Nebsi ONE, HKS 181. Vice Versa, PORE, Jenny Sawle, Frost 215, DELVE, and Jay Hudson.
I am planning on throwing a fun community day at same location (permissions have all been granted) and I want to "get the band back together" and invite all the same folks and new artists to come down and paint all over again on October 27, 2019.
Other aspects of the day will include free face painting, a kids sugar paint (non toxic) area, live skateboarding exposition and free lessons, and a DJ with live break dancing exposition.
Also, I will be looking to secure food and water donations from area grocery stores.