Very Sad Lab

"VERY SAD LAB is a houseplant rehabilitation and research center in DC. The lab offers free rehabilitation for the sad plants and also helps plant owners learn to better care for their plants.
The lab acts as a resource for plant care and gardening techniques for all DC residents. Over the duration of the lab, visitors are invited to bring in sad plants for recovery and/or participate in many unique programming including online plant clinic, Yoga Nidra for plants and owners, indoor gardening skill sessions and more. Recovery progress will be recorded through printed zines and an online blog, and these materials will be available to the public as living knowledge base. Upon recovery, the plant will be returned to the owners or offered up for adoption in cases of owner surrender.
Although the main location of VERY SAD LAB is located in an artist’s studio in Georgetown, we are excited to collaborate with DC Public Libraries on programming and other opportunities for resource, knowledge, and skill sharing. Proposed programming with the DC Libraries may include opening a pop-up plant clinic, facilitating a plant adoption event, and building a special collection of plant care and urban gardening books and zines which VERY SAD LAB will curate and write reviews on each book to further share information and resources more widely with the public."