Emmaus Ministries Houston

When “J” got out of the hospital with 42 staples in his chest from being stabbed two days prior and couldn’t afford to buy a $15.00 medicine prescription, the first person he came to was me, knowing that Emmaus would help him out.
When “B” got of jail and was finally ready to go to drug rehab, the very next day he came to our Monday lunch knowing that we could assist him in this process.
Houston is an “awesome” city and I love living here. But Houston has a dark side as well, and one its many dark secrets is the issue of male prostitution.
Emmaus Ministries reaches out to these men letting them know that there are other options apart from the current life most of them feel forced to live and that there are people who are willing to help them get out from the habits that are literally killing some of them.
We currently have Monday lunches and Wednesday breakfast every week, and also provide toiletries, clothing, a place to do laundry, counseling, bus passes to run errands, and assistance to help obtain Texas ID, housing, or rehab.
Emmaus Ministires Houston has been around for more than 8 years and in the past 18 months alone, we have assisted over 90 men who have come to us seeking help. A few stats we gathered about these men from their intake forms
49% Have Been Shot or Stabbed
32% Have Overdosed
82% Currently are, or were Addicted to Drugs
23% (at least) Are HIV Positive
55% Have Experienced Violent Crimes
36% Have Been Raped
...others wouldn’t say
55% Have Been Molested
84% Are Homeless
We are unique in that we are the only organization in Houston that specifically reaches out to this population and we are also unique because we have a very positive and trustworthy reputation among the male prostitute community. Having been around for so many years has given Emmaus the chance to establish a solid presence with these men so that many of the new guys that come are invited by older ones who know that Emmaus really cares and can help.